
User Comments:

    Name: Sofia
    Date: 2002-07-04
    Comments: I have a reproduction of this at home. Bought it whitout knowing what it was or who Correggio was. I simply fell in love whit the picture.

    Name: Krisztina
    Date: 2003-04-02
    Comments: ... I hope I will see this fantastic piece of art *live* from three meter through ten inches apart.

    Name: fernando coma
    Date: 2003-12-04
    Comments: I am interesting to know if Correggio made copys of this work and Where they are. I know that one is in the Louvre museum. Another in Kunsthistorisches museum in Viena and another one is in Japan but i dont know how many copys he made.
    If some body can help me in this matters will be a big value for me

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