Architect of Florence

User Comments:

    Name: Benjamin
    Date: 2002-03-13
    Comments: I have a special question about the Palazzo Rucellai: I would like to know if there is somewhere on the fassade or inside the palace a relief, picture or statue of an allegory depicturing a woman that stands for "Occasio", an allegory for the right moment or time.

    if somebody reads this and knows the answer please tell me.

    thank you.

    Name: Unknown
    Date: 2003-03-12
    Comments: I would like to know the purpose of this building. Was it there just for looks and wonders of is it there for a reason.

    Name: Unknown
    Date: 2004-12-08
    Comments: The buiding was designed in a functional way. Notice how small the windows are on the first floor. This was for service uses and for public functions of street. Dirtier atmosphere. Second floor was larger meant to entertain guest. Big windows for light and air ventilation. Away from the noise and pollution of street. Upper floor was for private use such as bedrooms. Quietest area of house.

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